If you're searching for top recommended product with discount price and high quality, then Steinberg UR28M Audio Interface is our recommendation for you. There are a lot of great reviews about this product. Steinberg UR28M Audio Interface completed with lots of features making it the best product.
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Steinberg UR28M Audio Interface
Product Features
- 24-bit/96 kHz USB 2.0 audio interface
- Analog 4 in and 6 out plus stereo input for reference source: S/PDIF coaxial I/O
- D-Pre Class-A discrete mic preamps supporting +48V;Latency-free DSP-powered monitoring with one REV-X reverb and four Channel Strips with any DAW by using the latest dspMixFx technology
- Native VST 3 plug-ins of REV-X and Sweet Spot Morphing Channel Strip additionally included
- Digitally controlled monitor level control with DIM, Mono, and Mute fed by a 3x3 monitoring matrix ;Cubase AI 6 music production software included